Thursday, September 27, 2018

Try and Fix the National Debt

I am not of the opinion that the national debt of the U.S. is a big problem. But many people are. If you’re one of those, here’s a tool that allows you to play with policy options and see what they do to the debt.

One thing I don’t like about tools like this is that you can mentally “cheat” a little. You can do this because each little policy choice has a price tag, and the visual tools update immediately to let you know how far you still have to go.

So, there’s a big list of policy options: several pages of about a dozen each. I recommend you start out with some sort of rule for how you think about the world, and then spot the 10 or 20 that fit that rule, and see how you do. Sample rules might be: vote against all defense spending increases, or vote against anything (positive or negative) involving Obamacare, or vote in favor of everything that reduces tax complexity.

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