Monday, June 8, 2020

Not Sure If This Is a Good Thing or Not

A permit has been issued for the proposed Collin Raye concert at Iron Springs Resort.

I was out that way a few days ago, and it looks like they've been doing some dirtwork and graveling for a big parking lot style concert. Did not see a stage, but those are easy to rent.

I am torn about this. The country is torn between the seemingly polar viewpoints of pandemic safety and the macroeconomy-is-not-to-be-trifled-with. In my position I need to be cognizant of both, and frankly they both suck.

Jeff Swigert has a great quote on his door (I'm paraphrasing here): there are no bad choices, only bad choosing. We're in a situation where all our choices look bad. Just keep in mind that there's still an optimal one.

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