Saturday, August 22, 2020

Grab Bag of Interesting COVID-19 Coverage

 The Wall Street Journal has an excellent piece on death rates for the young broken down by race entitled "Covid-19 Deaths Skew Younger Among Minorities"  Turns out the chance of a young (under 44) minority dying is higher than the probability for an elderly (over 85) white person. It has good charts to chew on. Unfortunately, those charts do not correct for other risk factors. That's important for a number of reasons, but what jumps out to me is that black and Latinex seniors are more likely to die than whites even though all of those are served by the same universal healthcare system (Medicaid).

You can probably learn quite a bit from a higher level article in MedicalXPress entitlted "Genome sequencing tells us the Auckland outbreak is a single cluster—except for one case". It discusses why identifying strains is important, and how contact tracing helps. Then uses that to discuss what they can surmise about the origins of the recent outbreak there which are still a mystery

The Wall Street Journal also had an excellent piece today on the production of paper towels. If you're wondering why they are still in short supply, the answers are in here. Paper towels are a lot more complex than you think ... and I can't think of an apocalyptic movie, TV series, or book that noted we run out of those fast.



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