Monday, August 24, 2020

Universities News 8/24

The University of Dayton is going online for the first week of classes.

The University of Connecticut has revoked student housing for violators recorded breaking social distancing rules. Baylor is threatening expulsion for violators of their policies.

Western Carolina University has a public dashboard. Most universities do not. The University of Tennessee is building one; they currently have 45 cases. Notre Dame, which was the second school to take major action and the first to go online for less than the full semester, has a dashboard and is now up to 408 cases. Texas Tech has a public one too.

Duke University (where football is not a big thing) will be playing home games in an empty stadium. East Carolina University, which had a cluster in a dorm last week, is going online on Wednesday.

The University of Iowa is reporting over 100 cases. VCU reports 58. Morehead State has 27.

The University of Kentucky violated everyone's privacy by leaving its database of student test results open to the public.

The University of North Carolina-Charlotte does not start for 2 weeks, but will be doing the first 3 weeks online. Dorm move-in will be at the end of that period.

UNC, which was the first university to shut down, is now up to 8 clusters and over 600 cases. Classes there are cancelled for today and tomorrow so that students can move out of the dorms if they want to.

Missouri State is up to 141 cases. They are not giving tests to everyone, so their positive rate on the tests they are doing is over 50%.

This is a rumor, but the University of Minnesota, with over 50K students on its main campus, is going to announce they are going online for 2 weeks and telling students to stay home. Interestingly, they already have 2/3 of their classes online (SUU had about 2/3 face-to-face a few weeks ago).

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (the big campus in their system) has a cluster in a sorority.

Temple University had a Zoom outage during classes this morning.

Washington State admits to a "substantial increase" in cases. No numbers.

The University of Massachusetts-Amherst (their big campus) had a food service worker in a campus cafe test positive.

Penn State has suspended two fraternities for violating social distancing policy.  


I did one of these reports Sunday night about 11 pm. 

The above was all new 12 hours later on Monday morning. I got these from a Google search using the keywords "university" and "covid", with the option selected for just news stories within the last 24 hours. I went through 11 pages of links before I came across one from last night.

This is starting to look like some of those posts from February, where the news out of China, South Korea, and that cruise ship, was coming in every few minutes.

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