Friday, April 3, 2020

COVID-19 # 44 (Required Parts Highlighted)

Do you know anyone who still thinks this is not serious. Show them this:
Oh ... and tuberculosis is treatable, and often curable. And:
This was shocking when it first started to be reported in Italy 3 weeks ago. Oh, and they've started transferring patients from hospitals in NYC to the temporary facility in the Javits Center. If you've been in the Las Vegas Convention Center, the Javits Center is about half the size. You may also recall it as the site full of people celebrating early in the evening of Clinton's presumed victory in 2016.

Singapore has locked down for 4 weeks. They were a success story the last 3 months.

Have you gone outside and looked at the sky? When was the last time you saw it free of contrails? They form very readily in the air above Utah. I'll tell you the last time I saw no contrails: the week after 9/11, when flights were banned.

New research out in Nature showing that malayan pangolins are definitely the intermediate host for the virus. The pangolin connection looked fairly weak for most of the last two months. And ... live pangolins were sold for food in the infamous wet market in Wuhan.

This is doubling every 3 days (do the math):
Of course, some of that is testing and finding people instead of avoiding that.

Germany is reporting some success. They feel that social distancing has gotten there R0 down near one.

The Netherlands also appears to be underreporting deaths. Same reasons: not enough people to keep track of deaths. After Italy and Spain, The Netherlands is in the next group of countries in Europe with bad outbreaks.

When people are focused on crises, governments get away with things. It's not really in the same league, but the Governor of Florida has ban banning reporters from his press conferences. That's mature. Iran can be that though: they ordered the suspension of all newspapers this week.

There are new, confirmed cases, in Beijing, within the community of international diplomats. China has asked other countries to stop sending new ones. There are also videos of buses without license plates transporting soldiers into Beijing. Suspicion is that they are going there to do a 14 day quarantine, and be done in time for a (not yet rescheduled) annual meeting of government officials later in the month. Actually holding that meeting is a good sign that the outbreak is coming under control in China.

And Joe Exotic might be positive. OMG.

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