Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-19 # 42 (Required Parts Highlighted)

On Friday, I wrote, on this blog, that death tolls in the U.S. from COVID-19 would exceed those of 9/11 on Monday. I was wrong. It took until 9 am Tuesday (Utah time)

Governor Cuomo of New York has asked for underemployed medical workers from other states to come to New York and help. Emergency room visits have dropped a bit in New York. But his brother, Chris, who's been talking to him nightly on his show on CNN, is positive.

Pure speculation here, but this is what macroeconomists do sometimes. If New York wants to import healthcare workers, how long until other states move to ban the travel of healthcare workers?

Except that fake news isn't good enough: CBS News was busted by bloggers and tweeters for presenting video of an overloaded hospital in Italy as being current and from NYC. I wish I'd been the one to see it on CBS because I did see that exact video out of Italy last week.

Florida arrested the pastor of a megachurch for holding services while they are banned. I'm down with that.

Liberty University, an evangelical school in Virginia, was one of the few schools to invite students back after spring break ... and now has a positive case. Roughly 40% of the students who returned have now left again.

And ... this chart from Financial Times may help you realize that the U.S. has indeed ... blown it:
BTW: people were shocked when China handled their outbreak by locking down half the country. The U.S. now has over half the country locked down, and it wasn't soon enough.

This is a suggestion. An app is not available for this yet. New research in Science suggests that an app that keeps track of phones that were in proximity to your phone, and then told you when people who owned those phones tested positive, might be able to greatly reduce transmission.

Uh oh. A few weeks back, we had a dog and its owner testing positive. Now it's a cat and its owner. Both are from Hong Kong. No knock on their testing specifically, but it would be nice if this sort of result could be confirmed by a different type of test (there's many now) to confirm it is not a false positive. Both of these are possible, but rare for most viruses.

Again ... if things are that much better in China ... why did they push back college entrances exams from June to July earlier today? Oh ... and in discussions Hollywood studios (for which China is a huge source of revenue) China has indicated the the re-closure of theaters that took place this week is likely to last for a long time. Also, the gated apartment neighborhood called Wuhan Red Steel City 24th Street was re-quarantined yesterday evening. Also, last week it was Jiangxi (province) not admitting people from Hubei; this week its Anhui province (which neighbors both) doing the same thing. Shandong province is also quarantining some travelers from Hubei.

As I have said many times, and really tried to stress, the problem with data from China is the incentive system not the politics.
Li Keiqang, Xi's # 2 guy, has been a great help to data scientists for several years as we try to figure out what's going on in China. As per usual with China, data leaks out; today it was that they had 1,500 people test positive without showing symptoms, who were not included in outbreak totals.

Forbes published "The Coronavirus Is Becoming a Public Relations Disaster for China" by Kenneth Rapoza. It's mostly about how angry European governments are getting with China's government, so it's a perspective you may not get much in the U.S.

A disturbing video from Time magazine:
Young (very young) medical students graduating early from school, and going straight into hospitals to work with SARS-CoV-2 infections. It reminds me of movies where the young go off to fight some was they don't understand.

On a personal note, my family keeps in touch with a friend and SUU alum doing their residency right now ... they're exposed and do not intend to see their families again until this is all done.

Meanwhile, in Midland, Texas, a man stabbed an Asian-American adult and two children for "spreading" the virus.

Two ideas. Synthesize. Japan held off for a long time delaying the summer Olympics. Japan's reported cases have gone up very quickly since the announcement was made. Can you call a whole country a bad name reserved for jerks?

Lastly, TL asked an email and I covered here and in class about using PMI's as early forecasting tools. This was a while back before COVID-19 seemed like it would be a problem for the U.S. now that it has hit, a PMI for the city of Chicago is perversely going up. This is mostly because both deliveries and prices are up ... which isn't surprising when everyone is ordering everything delivered. But it's a surprise to the index number itself because this is all a black swan to the person who initially dreamed it up.

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